What Is 川?

Flood Monitoring, Vulnerability, and Prevention Application

Kawa is a geospatial-based application that records flood-prone areas, water mitigation maps in Jakarta, and mapping of flood impact that has occured at any given time.


Kawa uses data from various factual sources so that the information presented can be realised without misusing inaccurate data.


The way Kawa works can be developed continuously to become a better and more effective application in improving the quality of life of Jakarta.


With Kawa, the people of Jakarta can be provided with accurate and reliable information easily and quickly without hassle, over multiple platforms.

What are the Features of 川 ?

Prozone Flood Mapping

Interactive Map of Flood Prone Areas and Water Mitigation

Displaying Updated Interactive Map Data about location with flood level intensity from low to high, evacuation posts and mitigation. Using newest arcgis technology and based on realtime Format data structure. Prozone Map itself divided by 3 zone which is :

  • Red Zone (Have The Highest Impact And Inundation Chance)
  • Yellow Zone (Have The Modest Impact And Inundation Chance)
  • Green Zone (Have The Smallest Impact And Inundation Chance)
PrAf Program

Preventation & Aftermath

PrAf Program Used To Inform All People To Working Together As If The Flood Goes, PrAf Contains Feature-feature that include People and government to solve the problems. PrAf Contains Support Call To Nearest Gov Service And An After Flood Damage Mapping Based On User Report With Camera Picture

Victim Donation

CrowdFunding For Better Future

Solution for donators if they want to spare his income for nation development and for resolve the damage caused of the latest flood including people who lost their shelter

Word From Creator

Team Member

"Karya Anak Bangsa Untuk Pembangunan Masa Depan Bangsa"

Teguh Wibowo

Universitas Mercu Buana

Taufik Mulyawan

Universitas Mercu Buana

Efdy Saputra

UPN Veteran Jakarta

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" To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. " - Mark Twain